
Sasha Wong - MUA

makeup artist/blogger

instagram: #sashawongmua
inquiry: info@sashawongmakeup.com

熱愛喜歡化妝, 美容, 時尚, 旅行, 自由, 藝術, 精彩的生活!
love makeup. love fashion. love travel. love colourful life.
於 26/05/2014 發表

版主我係好中意紅色唇膏, 雖然成日比人話唔襯, 但我決定唔放棄! Red lips is my favourite makeup, that's why I won't give up even though ppl say I won't match with. 首先,一張demo介紹簡單紅...

於 24/05/2014 發表

唔知大家有冇試過, 化左個妝, 之後個個都問你, 嘩, 你好濃妝喎!!! 又或者話你, eee...你好妖呀, LOL, btw今日我就化個好妖既妝! XD 但係呢個妝, 日常生活應該都用唔著架啦!!! Do you have any experience like, People keep...

於 24/05/2014 發表

今年春夏, 橙色眼影都係must-have item, 但如果怕太搶, 難襯的話 今日介紹既妝, 係約會必備, 又易裡襯又甜美既顔色 ***橙紅色... Orange Eye shadow is the must-have item in 2014 summer, however if y...

於 23/05/2014 發表

如何正確遮掉黑眼圈? Correct steps for dark circle coverage: 第一個步驟好多人其實都唔知道, 其實係要上粉底之前先用左corrector去修正左底層黑色素, Actually, not many ppl know the first step, 1s...

於 23/05/2014 發表

今日的是另一個春夏日妝, 整個妝容可以做到全日...為什麼? ^^ Spring/Summer Day (Night) Makeup, How does this makeup wear for whole day till night? ^^ 重點是(1) 眼影 (2) 眼線 (3) 唇膏 ...

於 23/05/2014 發表

今日想同大家介紹指甲光療!!!! 剛踏入夏天, 我已經搽左好多不同既顏色既指甲油~ 當然, 最夏天既梗係紅, 藍, 黃, 橙啦. =) I also want to tell you somethings about nails!!!! I have tried different sharp ...

於 22/05/2014 發表

今日同大家介紹既妝會係一個夏日妝容... 重點都係係唇部架啦...LOL First of all, I am going to tell the SUMMER MAKEUP for you, the focus on the lip area...LOL 今日呢個妝既重點係, 係個眉毛 ...

於 22/05/2014 發表

今日我好想念我上一個星期六><. 所以化左一個假日春妝分享比大家 Really Really Really Really Really miss last SATURDAY! I will introduce my spring holiday makeup for commemoration. ...

於 21/05/2014 發表

可能好多人都覺得一支支唇膏, 個款個樣好靚. 但係對於作為一個化妝師既我, 我會覺得palette更加方便我更加吸引我. 當然, 市面上不同品牌都有出好多不同既palette, 希望可以用顏色去吸引客人. 但係其實好多時候, 內裡都會夾雜左一些你未必用得著既顏色, 或者你冇咁中意既顏色. 所以今日...

於 21/05/2014 發表

今日以桃紅色唇妝為重點既妝, 雖然最近韓劇既霧感唇妝好hit, 但係我個人個樣太太太太太太殘, 好似實色既唇妝先適合我... >< Today, I would like to demonstrate the makeup which can make me feeling happy. F...

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