Tencent 的搜尋結果
Tencent Cloud, the cloud computing arm of Tencent, has been a trusted ally of McDonald’s China since 2017. This collaboration has enabled McDonald’s China to enhance operat...
Tencent Cloud and CP AXTRA unveiled a strategic collaboration with the goal of accelerating digital transformation in retail. Leveraging Tencent Cloud’s cutting-edge cloud-...
Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of global technology company Tencent, announced today that it is once again recognized as a Representative Vendor in the Gartner® "Competi...
Tencent Cloud, the cloud division of the global tech giant Tencent, has announced an enhanced partnership with BeLive Technology, a streaming media service provider, focusi...
ZainTECH, the integrated digital solutions provider for Zain Group, has announced an exciting collaboration with Tencent Cloud, a global technology leader. This partnership...
Tencent Cloud, the cloud division of global tech giant Tencent, has further solidified its presence in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) by participating for the third conse...
During the 2024 Tencent Global Digital Ecosystem Summit, Tencent Cloud, the cloud division of the global tech giant Tencent, announced a strategic partnership with the S.M....
Gartner Inc. has released its Gartner® Peer Insights™ Voice of the Customer for Cloud Database Management Systems, which included Tencent Cloud in the Customers' Choice Qua...
Tencent Smart Retail and Tencent Cloud International joined hands with the Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF) in hosting a thematic exchange event called "The New Era of...
Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of global technology company Tencent, today announced that for its EdgeOne, the company’s one-stop edge cloud security and acceleration pl...
Tencent Cloud EdgeOne recently announced a technology-inclusive program by offering free trials of its personal package to startups, aiming to support their business explor...
Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of global tech company Tencent, today announced its recognition as a Representative Vendor in the newly published 2023 Gartner® Market Gui...
近日,經典電影《搏擊會》(Fight Club)於騰訊視頻上架結局被強行更改一事備受關注,現在再有醜聞爆出!現年28歲、 隸屬Sony旗下Santa Monica Studio的遊戲作家Alanah Pearce接受TheSerfsTV的Twitch訪問時,爆料指:「我有一個朋友接到一部由騰訊製作或資助的電影,他們提出要求表示『不要黑人』和『...
由《Call of Duty》系列開發商 Activision Blizzard 與中國網絡巨人騰訊(Tencent)經過2年攜手打造的第一人稱射擊遊戲《Call of Duty Online》(暫譯《使命召喚 Online》)近日終于釋出首部宣傳片。 作為 Activision Blizzard 製作發行的第一人稱射擊系列遊戲,...