YTM 的搜尋結果


GS_beauty 於 12/04/2021 發表

夏季化妝,最怕底妝會厚實不持久,那種黏膩感想想也覺得可怕,所以挑選合適的粉底液特別重要。美國 No.1 人氣持久無瑕底妝系列 COLORSTAYTM,一向得到不少美妝達人推薦,最近更加入全新成員 COLORSTAYTM 持久無瑕輕盈粉底液,打造清新持久的裸妝。 持久無瑕輕盈粉底液 ColorStay Light Cover™ Found...

香港人遊香港 於 20/07/2018 發表

在烈日當空的炎炎夏日,無論大人細路都想Chill住過。今個夏天DING DONG宅配便與LOG-ON打造 “Chill” as Snoopy,於7月19日至8月6日假太古城中心2樓中橋展出。主場館內設有4大專區及大量打卡位,精選過百件限定Snoopy精品及輕食,一起投入Snoopy的幻想世界當中,讓你與Snoopy一起chill 住開心一...

My Sky Beauty Blog 於 19/04/2015 發表

本身頭髮是幼細, 所以頭髮好易折斷, 早在三月便開始使用Intelligent Nutrients 的PurePlentyTM Exfoliating Shampoo、PurePlentyTM Density Building Conditioner和PurePlentyTM Scalp & Strand Serum. PurePl...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 29/10/2014 發表

Detail information: Do you want more information from Taiwan Café? It’s my third time to introduce a Taiwan café again. This ti...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 29/10/2014 發表 Today, I would like to introduce Pacific Cafe to you. The Pacific Coffee brand is recognised as serving the best coffee in Hong Kong, h...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 29/10/2014 發表

There are many Starbucks cafe shop in the World, same as here in Hong Kong. However, different countries have different cultures and generally, the interior design of Starb...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 29/10/2014 發表

SLOW MOVEMENT(慢活): 好早之前已經聽朋友講過話呢間呼吸cafe環境唔錯。 今次一黎真係覺得呢到好正! 好relax好啱同朋友傾下心事。 如果星期日黎仲有band show添, 中意音樂既你可以去試下黎呢到感受下! A month ago, I heard from one of my friend say the full ...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 26/10/2014 發表

Detail information --> Taiwan café again – Coffee Alley. You might visit it before ~ 又一間台式咖啡店,就是大家常聽到的「咖啡弄」!! From the menu, yo...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 26/10/2014 發表

Detail information --> Recently, I met my friends at Holly Bown Coffee. We was going to try the desserts there. As you can see, Holly B...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 25/10/2014 發表

Detail information --> Today we would like to introduce you another restaurant – Yee Shun Dairy Company. Although they only have five b...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 25/10/2014 發表

Detail information --> 有一段時間無黎過呢間OUR WONDERLAND, 之前因為朋友介紹既關係試左一次,對呢間CAFE 印象唔差, 今次有機會當然再黎食多一次,將最好既介紹俾大家。 This is the second time to vi...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 25/10/2014 發表

SLOW MOVEMENT(慢活): 同朋友一齊去The One睇戲, 買完飛,見仲有少少時間想去食少少野醫下肚。 哇真係唔睇戲唔知,原來八樓有間Cafe仔食english breakfast,飲咖啡花茶。 胃食既我當然唔會放過,食埋個tea先走啦。 One day, I go to watch movie with my friend in...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 23/10/2014 發表

Detail information --> Do you love going to Taiwan? This time, I will introduce a popular café come from Taiwan which is named “Dazzlin...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 23/10/2014 發表

SLOW MOVEMENT(慢活): 最近,我同朋友行完街之後,決定鈴木珈琲館食0野。呢間係一間日本西式珈琲館,環境舒適。有免費WIFI 上網。 Recently, we went to SUZIKI Cafe after shopping. This is a Japan-western style cafe. You could use...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 23/10/2014 發表

今日做完 Project, 特登走去佐敦澳洲牛奶公司食個 tea, 須知 澳洲牛奶公司 大部分時間都好旺場, 就算過左早餐, 午餐時間,澳洲牛奶公司出面都會大排長龍。 今日去到情況依然,但好彩出面大部份排隊嘅人都係叫外賣的,我同朋友等左五分鐘已經可以入席。 入到去望見牆上餐排,第一個感覺。。。又貴左,但價錢依然屬平民化!! After a...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 22/10/2014 發表

Slow Movement(慢活): 嘆完咖啡吹完水﹐最岩就係搵個地方飲淡茶﹐食個包。﹏。 After having a relaxing coffee time, is time to find something delicious. ;p 經友人推介﹐到旺角一間樓上咖啡屋試一試呢到出名又好味既 【包】--- 多士盒 We a...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 17/10/2014 發表

SPD4459 Allegretto - A Italian Meatless Menu Coffee & Tea Shop in Tsim Sha Tsui ~By Michelle Slow Movement(慢活): 香港人生活太急 都無咩時間陪陪朋友 陪陪家人。 除左食下好食既茶餐廳回味港式風味,都可以試試新野,學陳豪嘆下咖啡。...

SPD4459 YTM District Cafe ▪ Tea LIFE 於 16/10/2014 發表

Enjoy your life with COFFEE ‧ TEA Now ~~ By Jessica (SPD4459) Hi ~ Everyone ~ Welcome to our Blog. In the following time, you will discover a lot of special, delicious fo...

爛玩王 i ❤ 爛玩王Blog 於 06/07/2013 發表

今次收到THE ZTYLE X REVLON 的試用 其實o係萬寧同屈記shooping 時, 見到都已經試左上手黎用.. 但試上手, 感覺點都唔同試上面架ma~~ 好~ 首先睇下REVLON 點介紹lee 隻野先~~ ColorStayTM持久無瑕修護粉底霜 美肌保濕 持久控油 l 美容液成份 l 蘊含百合根部精華及蘭花花瓣...

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